Prana Flow Masterclass

Prana Flow Masterclass Twee Merrigan


Du sparst 10 € bei Anmeldung für beide Module.


Vor drei Jahren war Twee das letzte Mal bei uns und leitete ein Modul unserer ersten moveorespiro Yoga Lehrer Ausbildung. Umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass sie jetzt nach einer Baby Pause wieder »on tour« geht und einen Stopp bei uns im Wohlfühlbereich einlegt. Wer Twee erlebt hat, weiss, was für eine ausserordentliche Lehrerin sie ist. Wir freuen uns auf zwei wundervolle Yoga Sessions: am Morgen gibt es eine dynamische Prana Flow® Class und am Nachmittag eine ruhigere restorative Einheit.

You Are A Yoga Master
Sonntag 15. November 10:00 - 12:30

You are a yoga master of your own life’s experience. As we embrace our individual experience with integrity…with the courage to align ourselves to Truth…the yoga master is revealed in each and every moment of our practice…and our lives. Enjoy a practice focusing on our feet for standing in our Truth; hips for revealing our creativity; and core for activating our purpose.

Returning Home To Your Inner Heart Temple
Sonntag 15. November 14:30 - 17:00

Dive deeply into the sacred inner chambers of your own heart temple. Explore a lunar journey inspired by Chandra Namaskaram (Moon Salutations) and a slow gentle flow melting into a restorative practice, with generous opportunities to pause and reflect. Answer the call to return home again and again…to your sacred heart temple. This is an "All Level" Prana Flow® & Restorative Class.


Die zwei Module eignen sich für Yogis aller Level – also auch für dich!


Twee Merrigan unterrichtet in englischer Sprache.


more | studio west
Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart


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Twee Merrigan

Twee is a disseminator of Prana Vinyasa™ worldwide, a vinyasa style yoga empowering students of all levels to liberate the natural flow of the spontaneous intelligence within.

After a three-year hiatus from traveling and teaching globally to start a family, Twee wholeheartedly returned (in 2014) to teaching local classes and workshops in the New York City area; and immersions, conferences, and festivals around the world.

Twee’s teachings are inspired and informed by her householder life with her husband, 2 young daughters, and their rescue dog; her teacher, mentor, and friend, Shiva Rea (founder of Prana Vinyasa™); her global yoga tribe of friends; a life-changing three-year tour (2008-2011) living on the road traveling to teach and train teachers in a different country every ten days at yoga studios, festivals, and conferences; her “past life” as a New York City corporate sales executive for the first decade of her adult life; her Hatha, Tantra, Ayurveda, Bhakti, and Yoga mudra studies; teacher trainings in ISHTA Yoga with Alan Finger, Anusara Yoga with Lois Nesbitt, Vajra Yoga with Jill Satterfield, and Prenatal Khalsa Way with Gurmukh; her family's conscious choices as vegetarians transitioning to vegans; the experience of both children birthed at home; and the inherent beauty, intelligence, and truth of Nature and God/dess.

Before teaching yoga, Twee worked in Corporate America as an internet recruiter during the dot com boom (and bust), and as a membership sales consultant for a NYC health & fitness club. Her first job out of college was in the fashion world "schlepping" fabrics down to ladies wear clothing manufacturers specializing in polyester apparel!

Twee Merrigan