Preise ohne MwSt nach § 3a bzw. § 4 Nr. 21a UStG.
Chronic pain too often arises from habits and patterns of movement that have become part of the ‘story’ of our body, impacting our health. Technically these are called ‘movement impairment syndromes‘, and these are stories that can be rewritten once they are recognized. Yoga gives us the practice by which to do so.
This training will be an initiation into seeing these patterns as they give rise to difficulties and injuries in yoga practice and as a way of understanding pain complaints and injuries that students experience in everyday life.
We will address:
The central goal will be to become better and more insightful yoga teachers, with refined and insightful specific instructions for teaching poses and sequencing vinyasas.
You will find your teaching transformed by participating in this training, with ideas you can use in class from the very first day.
And with that, the second objective is to be more confident and helpful working one-on-one with students facing chronic pain problems. You’ll be able to offer insights from the therapeutic wisdom of yoga that they will be able to put into practice, and you’ll be able to do so in a way that is responsible and appropriate to the professional boundaries of your role as yoga teacher.
The first half of the training will be devoted to principles of the lower body, and equal time will be reserved for the neck and shoulders, and upper body concerns. Each day will end with a yoga nidra practice.
täglich von 10:00 - 13:00 Uhr und 14:30 - 17:30 Uhr
Der Workshop richtet sich primär an Unterichtende, aber auch in deiner eigenen Praxis kannst du sehr davon profitieren, mehr über den Bewegungsapperat deines Körpers zu wissen.
Doug unterrichtet in englischer Sprache.
more | studio west
Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart
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Seit einem Jahrzehnt unterrichtet Doug Keller Workshops und Trainings zur therapeutischen Anwendung von Yoga. Er ist nicht nur bekannt dafür, Yoga Therapie wirksam zu vermitteln, sondern auch für seine umfangreichen Publikationen zum Thema, u.a. sein zweibändiges Werk »Yoga As Therapy«.
Nebst seiner mit vielen Reisen verbundenen Lehrtätigkeit ist Doug auch ein profilierter Professor für Yoga Therapie an der Universität von Maryland/USA. Sein dortiger Lehrgang führt zu einem staatlich geprüften und von der Internationalen Yogatherapeuten-Vereinigung anerkannten Master-Abschluss in Yogatherapie.