Intensive Yoga Therapie Teacher Training: Upper Body Health

Intensive Yoga Therapie Teacher Training: Upper Body Health Doug Keller


Spare bei Anmeldung und Bezahlung bis 01. Mai als Frühbucher 69 € (Normalpreis 499 €).


Doug Keller kommt auch im Sommer 2016 wieder nach Stuttgart und ihr dürft euch wie immer auf vier intensive Tage und fundierte Erkenntnisse aus der Welt des therapeutischen Yoga freuen. Schwerpunkt des diesjährigen Intensiv Teacher Trainings mit Doug ist der Oberkörper - Nacken, Schulter und Arme.

The Therapeutic Wisdom of Yoga for the Neck, Shoulders and Arms, And the Craniosacral Connection through the Bandhas

This year we will begin with the upper body — the neck, shoulders and arms — to explore ...

  • the fascial lines or ‘sutras’ that govern them,
  • what their proper alignment and actions are in ALL classes of poses, both weight-bearing and non-weightbearing (which is always a source of controversy among teachers and practitioners), and
  • what the most common therapeutic problems are that we encounter in these areas, the anatomy of these problems, the obstacles that they present in asana practice, and how they can be addressed through variations and with the use of props, particularly to support strengthening and healing.

This approach will be designed especially to be useful to teachers for providing effectiveness and clarity in their instructions, and for practitioners who want to more deeply understand and address pain problems they are encountering, or simply want to become stronger and better aligned through insightful practice.

Following the work with the shoulders, wrists, elbows and neck, we will turn to sacral and hip stability, along with problems in the low back. Issues surrounding the sacrum will be more deeply explored, and we will go through all classes of poses — particularly twists and backbending — with a focus on actions that promote greater stability of the sacrum and hips, while also addressing students who are very stiff.

Each day will begin with an asana practice incorporating the key ideas being presented, and will end with practices of Laya Yoga — the aspect of Hatha Yoga that includes Yoga Nidra, meditation, breath, the emotional dimension of meditative practice, and the chakras. This will include a short explanation of the relevant topic — from a philosophical as well as practical perspective — and a guided practice.

The Neck and Shoulders: Jalandhara Bandha as a Guiding Principle, and Why it Matters
Donnerstag, 21. Juli

The Head and Neck: pain problems and limitations of movement from common misalignments and misuse, and the muscles and bones involved; the subtle essence of Jalandhara Bandha and how to work with preparatory exercises and releases, as well as how to practice poses and effective variations in poses to achieve better alignment, greater strength, and reduction of neck and shoulder pain.

This day will also introduce principles of shoulder alignment in relation to neck actions, and will include practice of hands-on adjustments.

The Myofascial Sutras of the Arms: Foundations for Movement in Asana
Freitag, 22. Juli

From foundations in the hands to the shoulders, shoulder blades, upper back and neck, there are myofascial sutras that govern the rotations of the arms and movements of the shoulder blades. Effective alignment of the shoulders in asana, as well as variations for students who are either tight or hypermobile, can only be understood by knowing and understanding these ‘sutras’ and how they function in asana.

We will explain these sutras and how they function in supporting the bones and movement, and will cover all types of poses — from the different arm positions in upright or non-weightbearing poses and stretches to those that are weight bearing, from Downward Facing Dog to backbends and inversions — and cover the best hand, elbow, shoulder and shoulder blade alignment from the perspective of these sutras.

The main objective will be to arrive at clear, simple and effective instructions for arm and shoulder actions, as well as covering hands-on adjustments.

The Bandha Connection: The Crania-Sacral Aspect of Yoga Practice Hidden within the Bandhas
Samstag, 23. Juli

This session will continue themes of shoulder alignment from Friday in the morning practice and lecture.

By the afternoon, we will begin to explore Sacral movement and stability, especially from the perspective of its relationship to neck and shoulder action through the relationship of the bandhas.

We will specifically cover sequencing for greater sacral stability, and specific work with proper actions in all classes of poses — particularly twists and backbending, as well as forward bending — that maintain sacral stability. We will keep an eye on the relationship of actions in the neck — both helpful and unhelpful — to sacral movement and pelvic and hip stability.

Khechari: ‘Flying in the Sky of Consciousness’ in Asana: Health Through Liberating Self-Awareness
Sonntag, 24. Juli

While ‘Khechari Mudra’ has a very specific technical meaning, the more subtle and essential understanding of it has to do with the quality of our self-awareness in both movement and meditation.

This session will continue the themes of sacral stability and the specifics of asana and bandha, in the morning practice and lecture. We will expand our perspective to include the effect of better actions in the hips and pelvis upon the health of the knees, with consideration of foot alignment in relation to knee and hip health.

And we will pull together the therapeutic wisdom of asana practice from the perspective of Prana and self-awareness, summarizing the most important points of the training and how to sequence our classes and practice in light of them.

And the afternoon will include a more extended practice of Yoga Nidra and meditation, with explanation of the place of Laya Yoga in Hatha Yoga practice.

An extensively illustrated workbook, designed specifically for the training, will be provided as part of the training, as well as access to the slides used during the presentations. This reduces the burden of note-taking, and allows greater participation in this very experiential approach to Yoga as Therapy.

Doug Keller has been teaching workshops and trainings in the therapeutic applications of yoga for a decade, and is known not only for his effectiveness in communicating this ever-evolving approach in these trainings, but also for his extensive writing on the topic in magazines, journals and his two-volume work on ‘Yoga As Therapy.’ He is also, in addition to his traveling and teaching, an Adjunct Professor at the Maryland University of Integrative Health in their Master’s Degree program in Yoga Therapy.

Die Yoga Therapie Fortbildung umfasst 24 Stunden.

Die geplanten Zeiten sind:
Do-Sa: 09:00 - 12:00 und 14:00 - 17:00 Uhr
So: 08:30 - 11:30 und 13:00 - 16:00 Uhr


Das Yoga Training richtet sich an Yogis aller Levels.


Doug Keller unterrichtet in englischer Sprache. Du bekommst ein umfangreiches und eigens für diesen Kurs verfasstes Skript.


more | studio west
Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart


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Doug Keller

Seit einem Jahrzehnt unterrichtet Doug Keller Workshops und Trainings zur therapeutischen Anwendung von Yoga. Er ist nicht nur bekannt dafür, Yoga Therapie wirksam zu vermitteln, sondern auch für seine umfangreichen Publikationen zum Thema, u.a. sein zweibändiges Werk »Yoga As Therapy«.

Nebst seiner mit vielen Reisen verbundenen Lehrtätigkeit ist Doug auch ein profilierter Professor für Yoga Therapie an der Universität von Maryland/USA. Sein dortiger Lehrgang führt zu einem staatlich geprüften und von der Internationalen Yogatherapeuten-Vereinigung anerkannten Master-Abschluss in Yogatherapie.

Doug Keller