Strength and Balance
Strength and Balance
Strength and Balance

Strength and Balance Dylan Werner



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Wir freuen uns im Wohlfühlbereich wieder einen neuen Lehrer präsentieren zu dürfen, der deinen Horizont im Yoga garantiert erweitern wird. Dylan Werner ist der Meister der Umkehrhaltungen und Armbalancen. Er wird als einer der weltweit führenden Yoga Lehrer für Kraft- und Beweglichkeitstraining mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht angesehen. Egal ob du die nächsten Schritte in deiner Praxis gehen möchtest oder einfach nur richtig Spass haben möchtest ... sei dabei!

Beginner Handstand and Arm Balance Workshop - Ausgebucht
Samstag 27. Februar 09:00 - 12:00

Everything you need to know about how to learn how to do a headstand, forearm stand and handstand. You will learn how to build strength, overcome fear and get upside down; using walls a partner and eventually a freestanding handstand. We will also learn several different arm balances. Understand the foundations to create a solid base and balance on two hands! (3-hour workshop)

Flexibility Fundamentals - Ausgebucht
Samstag 27. Februar 14:00 - 17:00

This workshop is designed for anyone working on becoming more flexible, especially if you are not a naturally flexible person or a very inflexible person. We explore several different ways stretch, to include dynamic stretching, PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) and Yin style stretching. We will also talk about how and why the body responds to stretching from an anatomical viewpoint and how to safely bypass these restrictions. (3-hour workshop)

Beyond Balance Vinyasa Class - Ausgebucht
Sonntag 28. Februar 10:00 - 12:00

A strong all level flow class designed to challenge you through creative sequencing and some tricky transitions that will take your practice to the next level. This fun and vigorous class has plenty of opportunities for inversions and arm balances as well as deep stretches to leave you feeling strong and balanced. (2-hour workshop)

Let’s Get Acro! - Ausgebucht
Sonntag 28. Februar 14:00 - 17:00

We will cover how to properly spot, base a flyer and fly. You will learn basic beginning acro poses with a partner, working in close contact, gaining trust and overcoming fear. We will cover flying therapeutics, using partner poses to lengthen the spine and rejuvenate the body. We work in groups of four, so no partner is necessary but if you have one you want to work with, we’ll keep you together. (3-hour workshop) All Levels


Die Workshops eignen sich für Yogis aller Level.


Dylan Werner unterrichtet in englischer Sprache.


more | studio west
Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart


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Dylan Werner

Dylan Werner is an inversion and arm balance master and is regarded as one of the world leaders in yoga strength training and body weight movement. Dylan is a diverse teacher, able to bring the most advanced concepts of yoga and movement to anyone at any level. With a background in wrestling, rock climbing, martial arts, health and fitness, Dylan found yoga to be a culmination of everything he loves.

He was first introduced to yoga through his martial arts training. Dylan started teaching yoga in 2011 after 10 years of advanced movement training.

While his practice appears very physical, he believes it’s only a tool to discover yourself, find clarity, peace, presence and meditation.

Dylan Werner