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Noah Mazé ist eine ganz seltene Kategorie Lehrer. Ein Hollywood-Yoga-Star, ein Weltklasse-Lehrer der Lehrer!
Eine Ausnahmegestalt im modernen Yoga, ein BKS Iyengar unserer Zeit, aber frei von den Zwängen eines einzelnen Yogastils. Tief verwurzelt im klassischen Yoga seit seiner Kindheit (er wuchs im Ashram auf, begann im Alter von 14 Jahren intensiv Ashtanga Yoga zu praktizieren) ist er heute einer der bekanntesten und leidenschaftlichsten Iyengar-Schüler und ist neugierig und offen sämtlichen Yogastilen der alten und der modernen Welt gegenüber. Seine Trainings richten sich an Yogalehrer aller Yogastile.
Mit seiner einzigartigen analytischen Einpünktigkeit fächert er das Spektrum des modernen Yoga auf und entwickelt und lehrt Unterrichtstechnik für die verschiedenen Yogastile, insbesondere die strukturellen Unterschiede zwischen ausrichtungs-orientierten Hatha Yoga-Klassen und flow-orientierten Vinyasa-Klassen. Alles getragen von tief durchdrungener und empfundener Yogaphilosophie. Ein Juwel unser Yoga-Zeit.
Sequencing Strategies for Vinyasa Flow Classes - Linking of poses
Pose Improvement Strategies for Vinyasa Flow Classes
Vinyasa Masterclass: Warrior Flow
Each of us has tremendous power to be agents of change in our lives and in the world. Come experience a vinyasa-style class featuring breath-based movement, strong standing pose linkings, continuous rhythmic practice, creative sequencing and a passionate call to embody your most courageous self. This practice isn’t just an amazing workout of developing strength and flexibility, but a wonderful catalyst for tapping into your source of power.
Diese Immersion richtet sich an Yoga Lehrer. Am folgenden Tag finden zwei Yoga Workshops mit Noah Mazé statt, die sich für alle Yogis eignen.
Noah Mazé unterrichtet in englischer Sprache.
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Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart
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Every once in awhile you encounter a yoga instructor whose teachings are so magical, your practice is forever transformed. Noah Mazé is one such teacher. For years Noah has been recognized as among the most advanced of yoga practitioners and an accomplished teacher of yoga teachers. Today, with his ever-evolving insights into yoga and yoga curriculum, Noah is regarded as one of yoga’s greatest teachers no matter what style of yoga you embrace.
Noah’s fierce and compassionate dedication to yoga inspires and holds space for students to journey deeper into body, heart, mind, and spirit than they ever could have imagined. Known for his clarity, study with Noah presents students with opportunities to gain tangible yoga knowledge and improve focus, strength, and ability.
Noah began his regular practice of hatha yoga when he was 14 years old. Noah grew up in Boulder, Colorado, raised with the philosophy and practice of yoga. Initially, Noah studied and practiced Ashtanga Vinyasa with Richard Freeman. Early on, he was honored to study with Pattabhi Jois, and Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Manouso Manos. Noah completed his first Anusara Yoga teacher training in 1999 and became a Certified Anusara Yoga teacher in 2002. Philosophically, Noah studies extensively with Tantric scholar Douglas R. Brooks, in the Srividya lineage of Rajanaka Yoga.
Noah holds a bachelor’s degree in Outdoor Education and Leadership, and worked for several years, teaching teens and young adults life and technical skills through wilderness journeys. Noah founded Noah Mazé Yoga in 2003 and YOGAMAZÉ in Los Angeles, California in 2012. Always a student, Noah avidly studies with teachers of many yoga styles and traditions.
Home in Los Angeles, Noah offers classes online at, and intensive style training programs for serious yoga students and teachers at the yoga school he established in the heart of Los Angeles, YOGAMAZÉ. You may also study with Noah regularly from the comfort of your own home via his Online Courses.
Noah is blessed to share life with his wife, Tracy, his two children, Madeleine (6) and Oliver (3), and two rescued four leggeds.