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Auf unserem Yoga Weg werden wir auch mit Schwierigkeiten und Hürden konfrontiert. Die Vertiefung unserer Yoga-Praxis ermöglicht es uns, mehr zuzuhören und ein größeres Verständnis der Verbindung zwischen Körper, Geist und Seele zu entwickeln. Praxis mit vollem Bewusstsein, ein starkes Fundament und auch die richtige Balance zwischen Intensität und Ruhe ... das sind nur einige der Grundprinzipien dieser Reise.
In diesem Wochenend-Intensive geht es darum, deine Yogapraxis auf das nächste Level zu bringen.
Unsere Matte ist ein Spiegel von dem was wir tun, wie wir mit uns umgehen. Und wenn wir ihn nutzen, lernen wir unglaubliche Dinge. Wir müssen nur wagen, hineinzuschauen, zu spüren und den Schritt zum tieferen Verständnis wagen.
A strong dynamic practise focusing on foundation techniques to strengthen how we balance on our feet and hands.
A dynamic practise, this class will look at getting the most out of your twists. We will explore a lot of standing and balancing poses to cultivate the necessary foundation, strength and stability. We’ll tackle a couple of tricky transitions, harnessing focus and making friends with our flexibility. Using breath and patience, we’ll explore depth in our seated twists and then allow the body rest through gentle yin and restorative poses.
A gentle Vinyasa practise focusing on the side body combined with some nice juicy hip openings. Breaking down some of the beautiful asanas that require these elements, we’ll look at techniques to help them become more accessible.
Die Module eignen sich für Yogis aller Level – also auch für dich!
Alexandra Harfield unterrichtet in deutscher Sprache.
more | studio west
Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart
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Australien born, Alex moved to Germany in 1997 pursuing her career in the Entertainment Industry. She performed in Musicals, Television and Events throughout Europe. It was through a professional visit to New York in the year 2000 that she first discovered Yoga and immediately became hooked.
Over the next years it became a part of her life and a great compliment to her training as a Dancer. In 2007 she completed her Teacher Training at Balance Yoga Frankfurt, and since then has become a part of the Yoga Teaching Community.
With her background in Dance and Choreography, Alex's classes are full of creative sequences that originate in Vinyasa Flow and contain her own unique flare. With a positive and warm presence, Alex's joy of teaching provides an inspiring atmosphere for all those who attend and they really feel her support. Her wish is to invite those who attend her classes, to get to know their own inner teacher and to respect that connection with compassion and non-judgement.