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Wir freuen uns, dass Cat Alip-Douglas von der Sangyé Yoga School in London für zwei Tage wieder zu uns nach Stuttgart kommt. Beide Workshops drehen sich um den Glauben des Mahayana Buddhismus an das Bodhisattva-Prinzip (bodhi = wach, attva = Sein). Jeder der beiden Workshop wird verschiedene Asana-Elemente sowie ein philosophisches Thema haben. Wenn du kannst, dann geniesse das ganzheitliche Erlebnis und sei bei beiden dabei.
Both workshops will revolve around the Mahayana Buddhist belief in the bodhisattva principle (bodhi = awake/sattva = being). Each workshop will have different asana elements as well as philosophical theme. While one can be attended on its own, attending both would be an integrated and relative experience.
»Many Mahayana scriptures speak of inviting all sentient beings as our guests. When we invite a guest, we have a sense of the importance of that relationship. Guests are usually fed specially cooked food and receive extra hospitality. The life of a bodhisattva is relating with all sentient beings as guests. The bodhisattva invites everyone as a guest, constantly offering a feast.
Inviting all sentient beings as our guests is the starting point of applying compassion in the Mahayana. By viewing sentient beings as guests, the bodhisattva has a constant sense of the impermanence of the relationship, because eventually all guests leave. So we view the time with our guests as precious. There is a sense of the preciousness and the impermanence of the relationship. Our guest may be our husband, our wife, or our child—everybody is the guest of everybody, constantly. On a day to day level, all relationships for a bodhisattva are based on relating with guests.«
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Der Workshop ist offen für alle Yogis.
Cat unterrichtet in englischer Sprache.
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Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart
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The Journey from Condé to Sangyé
From the fashion floors of Condé Nast in New York to the wooden floors of Sangyé Yoga School in London, cat had officially traded in her Manolo Blahniks for a more 'grounded' approach to bare feet.
cat is originally from New York City where she discovered yoga on Lafayette Street and has been calling London home since spring 2004. She feels privileged to have been involved with Jivamukti Yoga London (est. 2005) from its inception and as it continues in its current incarnation, with more of a Tibetan Buddhist influence, as Sangyé Yoga School. She and her husband assumed responsibility (who truly “owns” anything?:) of the space in West London/Kensal Road in May 2010. Over a decade later, the aspiration remains the same, to be of service to the growing community of yogis who understood the distinct correlation between practice and life. The undertaking isn’t always easy or pleasant but small steps of steadfastness and commitment contribute to the ocean of merit. Recently, pandemic times has highlighted and presented an even more profound opportunity to apply the teachings and the practice IRL. Preparation is/was key!
If titles collected along the way bear significance or interest (in no particular/special order): Advanced Certified Teacher (Jivamukti), Senior Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance UK) and Co-“Owner” & “Founder” alongside Phil of the space that is Sangyé Yoga School in London.
Long life to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso...may he and the lineage continue to teach and inspire through his generous, humble and yet powerful presence, a living bodhisattva among us.
In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.
HH the Dalai Lama