Biodynamic Yin Training
Biodynamic Yin Training

Biodynamic Yin Training Cat Kabira


Bei Anmeldung bis zum 31. März 2019 sparst du als Frühbucher 30 € (Normalpreis 375 €).


If you're looking to dive deeper, connect within and get a whole new perspective on yin, then this Biodynamic Yin Training with Cat Kabira is for you. This is your opportunity to connect with the depth and sensitivity of who you are and begin to feel the power of working with the subtler aspects of yourself. This course is complementary to any other yin and yoga practice you may already have, and brings in a whole new level of awareness that will change your life

Join Cat for her signature transformational Biodynamic Yin to explore the power of the invisible through Yin yoga, subtle energetics, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, shamanic energetics, and shamanic dreaming.

Biodynamic Yin Training
03. bis 05. Mai 2019

Biodynamic Yin is the practice of Yin (longer-held passive poses that influence the fascia and energy lines of the body) interwoven with the awareness and wisdom of biodynamic craniosacral therapy, working with the chakras, subtle energy and the auric field. This is your opportunity to use your ability to sense inward: feeling, visioning, and hearing and connect with yourself in a deeper and multi-dimensional level.

While holding poses for longer periods, we will work with the "Field" and with focus, breath work, and awareness on the subtle energetics in the body, learn how to unwind and release the patterns that define us. This is your space to trust your sensitivity and sense your own unique energetic field (as no one’s energetic bodies are exactly the same).
You will also sense the blockages in your body on emotional, karmic, ancestral, and other levels and learn how to dissolve them using:

  • Breath
  • Focus
  • Feeling
  • Connecting to the witness
  • “Vision questing”
  • Intention

We will be practicing in a space in which the “Field” is held - the potent life force that exists within all of us - and it’s through the settling down of ourselves and remembering that we can bring our awareness back to this. We see the power that occurs in “doing nothing” and that by deeply relaxing, by being the Witness, the body has its own potential to heal itself once its inherent wholeness is recognized. Understand the power of presence, how the consciousness and integration in our own field influences others, and recognize the transformation that occurs for everyone when we remember who we truly are. Leave feeling grounded, deeply nourished, relaxed, and whole.

This immersion is perfect for you if:

  • You’re new to Yin and want to experience something new.
  • You’re hungering for a deeper inward experience.
  • You’re ready to trust the power of your own intuition.
  • You want to refine the power of your own sensitivity.
  • You’re interested in the world of subtle energy.
  • You’re already a yoga teacher who’s trained in yin and want a different perspective.

In this Immersion we will have daily yin practices as well experiential discussions exploring:

  • The Field
  • The Importance of Grounding
  • Owning and Understanding Boundaries
  • Our Undercurrents: What they are and How to Sense Them
  • Our Energy Body
  • The Importance of Feeling and How We Block Our Sensitivity
  • How your Body, Intuition, Superpowers Speak Through You: The Many Ways We Tune In
  • How and Why we Block Ourselves and How to Meet This
  • How our Bodies Store Tension and Pain and How to Unwind It
  • The Power of Presence and of Being the Witness
  • How to Make “Energetic Adjustments” With Students
  • How to Hold Space for an Entire Room
  • The Power of the Feminine Force
  • The Tides of the Body, Your Fluid and Interdimensional Nature
  • What Projection Is and How It Influences Our Perception
  • Living from an Embodied, Emotional, Multidimensional Intelligence: Expand Beyond Your Rational and Logical Self To Your Deepest Wisdom

What’s remarkable is that when training with Cat, no training is the same. She will meet you where you are and will personalize the information and practices to meet the unique needs of your group. Prepare for a training that will revolutionize your practice and teaching and bring you more deeply home to yourself.

Cat also offers an online course “Energy 101” which involves simple and powerful practices that are a wonderful supplement to this course. Once you register, you will have the option to purchase this course through Cat at a gifted discount. Please contact Cat directly if you are interested in this. You will receive an online yin manual with the course.

Suggested Readings (not at all required):

  • The Subtle Body, by Cyndi Dale
  • The Anatomy of Spirit, by Carolyn Myss
  • Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan
  • The Heart of Listening by Hugh Milne
  • Insight Yoga by Sarah Powers
  • The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark

Check out Carolyn Myss’ website as she has paid and free resources as well – especially with Energy Anatomy. To gain perspective, you may want to watch Paul Grilley’s Yin Yoga DVD.


  • Freitag, 03.05.2019 von 09:00 bis 17:00 (Studio Süd)
  • Samstag, 04.05.2019 von 08:30 bis 11:15 u. 13:00 bis 17:00 (Studio Süd)
  • Sonntag, 05.05.2019 von 08:30 bis 17:00 (Studio West)

YTT Wahlmodul – 22 Stunden

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training / Continous Education

Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss dieses Moduls erhalten die Teilnehmer ein Zertifikat, das auf unser 300+ Advanced Yoga Teacher Training oder als Weiterbildung (Continous Education) bei der Yoga Alliance angerechnet werden kann.


Das Training richtet sich an Yoga Lehrer und interessierte Schüler.


Cat unterrichtet in englischer Sprache.


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Adlerstr. 31
70191 Stuttgart


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Cat Kabira

Cat has been practicing yoga and meditation since she was 18 years old while studying at Boston University. As Cat has evolved, so has her practice. She’s always been curious and a voracious learner and, as a result, she has studied several traditions with a few masters worldwide: from hatha, kundalini, and vinyasa, to anusara, Iyengar, Forrest, and yin.

What “hooked” Cat with yoga wasn’t so much the asana poses but the stillness between the poses. That’s when she could feel sensations that were almost magical; her body “spoke” to her while also healing itself. Cat’s motivation for yoga and meditation was less about getting into shape and more about how to be with herself. She arrived on the mat already working with eating disorders: anorexia and bulimia, body dysmorphia, and a few addictive tendencies. Learning how to be present and in her body was her greatest challenge and motivator to getting on and staying on the mat.

Cat’s practice has developed from a more physically demanding challenge to something more alignment-based and informed by subtler callings within the body. She is fascinated by the body and how it changes from moment to moment – and by the practice and delight of being a human being and how to ride these waves of life as gracefully as possible, with a bit of humor and a lot of compassion.

Cat’s greatest influences in yoga have been her initial studies with teachers from the Bihar School of Yoga and kundalini, as well as her play with power and vinyasa yoga with the likes of Baron Baptiste and Shiva Rea. She has studied with Ana Forrest (Forrest Yoga), Sarah Powers (yin, vinyasa, mindfulness) and Jasmine Lieb (Yoga Therapeutics) as well. Cat began her yogic journey first with meditation and her roots are in both Zen and Tibetan Buddhist practices and remains committed to her sitting practice. She currently studies under Jakob Leschley and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Her work is also largely informed by her training as a craniosacral therapist as well as other energetic modalities, including years of shamanic training. Cat was born tuned into the subtle realm and other dimensions and since as a little girl has been practicing and studying different healing arts to understand more. She’s been lucky to study with some gifted healers, psychics, medicine men/women and shamans in many different traditions around the world. From all of the study, world-wide exploration, and life experience she has done – what Cat teaches and practices these days is less directly connected to one single tradition and is more informed by being present with what is.

Mostly, however, to Cat, yoga, is an intimate practice with one’s Self. There isn’t just one way; and the only truth we find comes from within ourself. She has been committed to her own evolution as a human being. She’s experienced grief, loss, love, abuse, suffering, joy, peace and every spectrum in between, and remains in awe to the mystery. Her practice is to keep it simple, stay a beginner, and enjoy this mysterious sweet ride.

Cat has been teaching since 2003 throughout the United States to Japan, Indonesia, Cambodia, Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica, Australia, and around Europe. Currently she has a base in Bali and can be found teaching at The Yoga Barn as well as internationally. In her free time she loves dancing, cycling, playing the piano, ukulele and kora, hiking, surfing, writing, and rock climbing. She also dabbles in martial arts and palmistry. In addition to teaching yoga Cat offers craniosacral therapy sessions that include her skills in the shamanic arts.

Cat Kabira