Actionhiro Workshop Weekend 2019

Actionhiro Workshop Weekend 2019 Hiro Landazuri


Bei Buchung des Actionhiro Workshop Weekend im Bundle sparst du 51 €.


Wir sind sehr glücklich, daß wir Hiro als weiteren Gastlehrer für unser moveorespiro Team gewinnen konnten. Am Actionhiro Workshop Weekend werden wir in einer Serie von 5 Einheiten kontinuierlich Geschicklichkeit, Kraft, Beweglichkeit und auch das notwendige Selbstvertrauen aufbauen, um den einen oder anderen Schritt aus unserer Komfortzone heraus zu wagen und persönliches Wachstum zu ermöglichen. Freut auch auf einen tollen Lehrer und eine inspirierende Yoga Praxis.

Functional Flow
Freitag, 13. September 18:00 bis 20:30

Remember what it felt like when we were beginning our yoga journey? The soreness yes, but also a freedom in our bodies that we were not used to, a lightness in our step, the glow in our being. The movements, the shapes, were new to our bodies and the shapes served in increasing the range of function in our bodies. If we are honest, there are a lot of poses that are relatively comfortable for us now. So how can we increase our focus, our range of function, so that we can keep moving towards a better functioning self?

This master class incorporates different mobility exercises within familiar poses. We will introduce different transitions that shift the mental focus from fitting into a shape to making the shape serve a greater functionality in our bodies. The goal is to bring us closer towards the freedom we seek within.

Intelligent Inversion
Samstag, 14. September 10:00 bis 12:30

Do you have that one pair of yoga pants that is your “handstand yoga pants?” The pants where every time you put them on, you feel stronger and more confident getting upside down? Don’t leave your practice up to chance! Ditch the pants and come to this class.

Experience what it’s like to fly consistently and confidently in this challenging yet light-hearted workshop. We will break down the elements of inversions as well as explore unique exercises towards helping you access the power already inside of you. Allow yourself to encounter your practice in an elevated way and feel confident in seeing the world from a new perspective, with or without your handstand pants on!

Too LEGgit to quit
Samstag, 14. September 14:00 bis 16:30

It’s Hammer time! This workshop focuses on building strength and mobility in everything below the belt.

Learn how to strengthen, lengthen and coordinate these muscles while exploring targeted, unique exercises to rapidly progress in your practice: everything from smarter hips to one legged balances. Be prepared to break away from your typical asanas and experience some new dynamic movements that will help you build depth and stability in your practice.

Gain full control of your legs to crush it on the dance floor, and to let everyone else know that they “Can’t Touch This.”

Functional Float Flow
Sonntag, 15. September 09:00 bis 11:30

The way I was taught new yoga poses (as with just about all of us) was to keep trying the same pose over and over until we mastered it. But what if there was a more efficient way to get to the same result? Someone once said “We are all headed towards our ‘true North’ in this world. It’s just that most of us go South and take the long way around to get there.”

In this master class, we will flow progressively into more involved transitions and postures to increase consistency and ease in moving in and out of the arm balances and inversions throughout our practice.

Acro Yoga – I Believe I Can Fly
Sonntag, 15. September 13:00 bis 15:30

When did becoming an adult mean it’s not ok to laugh like a child, play like a child and physically connect with each other with the only agenda being joy and respect of each other?

In this workshop, we will introduce the elements of fun, connection, and communication back into our adult lives, reminding us that life is too short and there’s not enough laughter to be had. As fun as this workshop is, it is also very telling of how effective we are at communicating interpersonally as well as connecting with others.

What better way in believing you can “touch the sky” than with the support of someone else holding you high!

YTT Wahlmodul – 13 Stunden

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training / Continous Education

Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des kompletten Actionhiro Workshop Weekend erhalten die Teilnehmer ein Zertifikat, das auf unser 300+ Advanced Yoga Teacher Training oder als Weiterbildung (Continous Education) bei der Yoga Alliance angerechnet werden kann.


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Hiro unterrichtet in englischer Sprache.


more | studio west
Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart


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Hiro Landazuri

Hiro started practicing yoga in 2002 while learning various styles of the asana practice. With a history of also dabbling in various movement modalities, from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to numerous team-based sports like basketball and football, Hiro fell into yoga after searching for something to alleviate pain from numerous past injuries and to help make running more enjoyable as it was a passionate hobby that his family shared.

Hiro also studied Biochemistry in university and went on to a graduate medical program in medical pharmacology and cardiopulmonary perfusion. During that time, working in heart and kidney transplant surgical procurement along with open heart bypass surgery, he got to experience first hand part of the inner workings of the body. Throughout this career venture, yoga always was a consistent part of his life in teaching and practice.

After numerous injuries, some during the yoga practice and some outside, Hiro began to pursue a perspective to his love of the yoga practice that would minimize and heal injury along with develop functional strength and flexibility. After seeing tremendous transformations in his own practice and overall health, he applied those same principles to his students and started seeing the same results in his students.

Now Hiro is sharing his unique approach worldwide. Starting from introducing knowledge of the physiology of the human body, using the knowledge in various movement patterns and then applying it to a dynamic yoga practice, so that the practitioner is no longer modifying around injury but understanding steps towards healing, and how to expand the practice from a better understanding of anatomy for those looking to advance in their practice and teaching.

Hiro Landazuri