Eine dreitägige Yoga Immersion für Yogis und Yogalehrer. Erlerne die Werkzeuge und Fähigkeiten, mit denen du deinen Teilnehmern helfen kannst, ihre Praxis von Grund auf zu verändern. Aufbauend auf den Elementen aus Elements of Mastery Teil 1, lerne Sequenz zu unterrichten, die in den physischen und emotionalen Aspekten der Elemente (Erde, Wasser, Feuer, Luft und Raum) verwurzelt sind.
Die vorrangingen Themen werden sein: Sequenzierung, Anatomie, Technik, verbale Anleitung, Meditationstechniken und Ausrichtung.
Ursprünglich für November geplant, wird dieses Training aufgrund der aktuellen Situation auf 2021 verschoben. Wir sind gerade in Planung für einen neuen Termin.
Learn powerful teaching skills to help students transform their practice from the ground up. Building on the elements from E.O.M Part 1, learn how to teach a sequence rooted in the physical and emotional elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. Topics covered will be: Sequencing, Anatomy, Technique, Verbal delivery, Meditation techniques, and Adjustments. Through group discussion, one-on-one practice teaching, and systematic teaching tools, you will transform your approach to teaching yoga.
E.O.M Part 2 is geared toward yoga teachers who want to learn and master targeted techniques that can help students to awaken and deepen their practice. Serious students who want to develop a more effective self practice are welcome to join the immersion. Elements of Mastery Part 1 is recommended but not required.
Overview of daily content:
25 Hours CE Credits through the Matt Giordano School of Yoga. Certificates of Completion will be Available.
Die Immersion ist nicht für Anfänger geeignet.
Matt unterrichtet in englischer Sprache.
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Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart
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Yoga instructor Matt Giordano gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years – his high school art teacher - for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: “You are not allowed to say ‘I can’t.’ You must rephrase to a question: ‘How?'”
That inquisitive and unrelenting spirit laid the foundation for Matt to begin a devoted yoga practice. When coupled with his passion to understand the physics and subtle alignment of the body, Matt’s dharma as a teacher came into focus.
Originally from Sea Cliff, Long Island, Giordano spent seven years developing his teaching style living in Manhattan, where he taught at local studios (Pure NYC, Equinox). Matt now travels internationally to teach his signature technique based style of yoga, educating yoga students on how to use their body in a profound and life changing way. Well-known for his ability to guide students deeply into postures with his refined attention to detail and precise action cues, Giordano is an adept guide for all-levels students at festivals, workshops and in his weekly studio classes. His study of biomechanics and integrative mind-body techniques informs his teaching, as he draws upon wisdom from traditions of yoga, martial arts (Aikido and Tae Kwan Do), acrobatics, AcroYoga and Thai Yoga Massage. In the end, Matt inspires a humble confidence, allowing students to find ease while expanding the edge of their comfort zones.
As Giordano helps make AcroYoga a household name, the media has taken notice; featuring him in Martha Stewart’s Whole Living, Alignyo, Yoga Dork and on LIVE! With Kelly and Michael. Events the world over are allowing countless students the opportunity to practice with Matt. No one misses the action, as his growing digital content (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) has become another platform for Matt to share delight, technique and even the occasional appearance of his dog Tito, a Papillon and heart-melting super yogi.
Nothing fulfills me more than witnessing people courageously expand their body, mind, and soul. Whether a person walks in ready to celebrate life or is seeking such inspiration, I hope that they leave feeling peaceful in their heart and empowered in their spirit.