Bei Buchung des Actionhiro Workshop Weekend im Bundle sparst du 25 €.
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Wir sind sehr glücklich, daß wir Hiro auch in 2022 als Gastlehrer für unsere more Community gewinnen konnten. Am Actionhiro Workshop Weekend werden wir in einer Serie von 5 Einheiten kontinuierlich Geschicklichkeit, Kraft, Beweglichkeit und auch das notwendige Selbstvertrauen aufbauen, um den einen oder anderen Schritt aus unserer Komfortzone heraus zu wagen und persönliches Wachstum zu ermöglichen. Freut auch auf einen tollen Lehrer und eine inspirierende Yoga Praxis.
The phoenix, as a mythical being that has the transformative power to bring upon personal growth and renewal. In this master class we will explore the endless possibilities and minor shifts within our bodies and minds to rise beyond our own limits! This master class has it all; a creative flow, mobility and strength drills, and functional movement. You will get a sneak peak into my own practice which sets my body and mind to follow my heart fully into who I wish to be in this world on a daily basis. This class aims to make the discomfort of growth and progress a welcoming and loved process through powerful intentions paired with an out-of-the-box flow to physically foster the growth mindset.
Learn the physiology of your shoulders and how it relates to your back bends. This class will incorporate shoulder openers and strengtheners to make your back bends more functional while building more stability. Using tools from my Body Smart Yoga Shoulder Program, this flow will leave you feeling more aware of proper shoulder engagements for your body while exploring the heart opening postures you love in a new light. As you flow through this open level class, we will debunk the common myths you hear about shoulder rotation and engagement. Your shoulders, like your hips, are not linear. We will focus on how to engage your muscles without over straining them and help you increase shoulder strength and mobility to better understand your own practice and help you safely move through each asana.
Let´s get over the fear of inverting and bring a playful and smart approach to your inversions. We will dive deep into the anatomy of your inversion practice, learn proper engagement of our supporting muscles to optimize the growth of your inversion practice. Learn some of my secret tips and tricks for a healthy, safe and FUNctional practice. This workshop is open to all levels. We will flow to warm up the body, followed by some of my favorite drills to build a more consistent inversion and end with some of the most effective cool downs to foster longevity and recovery to maintain a healthy balance in body and mind.
Arm balances are a fun component to the yoga practice. Whether you’re starting with your first arm balance or a seasoned flyer, your arm balances are intended to bring joy and lightness into your space. This workshop is meant to reignite that joy by giving you the tools to build a sustainable and seamless practice through functional drills and movements, that are backed by science, to help you flow freely into your arm balances. This workshop is open to all levels and will help you better understand your practice as well as give you the confidence to share these cues, drills and flows with others.
Our hips are an integral part of body function, especially for our backs and knees. This class is based of fof my recently released Body Smart Yoga: Hips Program. We will start with a hip mobility warm up, then lead into a creative flow full that incorporates drills and breakdowns hip postures. Throughout this open level class, you will feel and move through different kinds of evidence based stretches and drills that are unique to a typical yoga class. There will also be a full self assessment of end-range hip mobility to feel the difference in your hips from beginning to end of practice.
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Hiro unterrichtet in englischer Sprache.
more | studio west
Leuschnerstr. 36
70176 Stuttgart
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Hiro started practicing yoga in 2002 while learning various styles of the asana practice. With a history of also dabbling in various movement modalities, from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to numerous team-based sports like basketball and football, Hiro fell into yoga after searching for something to alleviate pain from numerous past injuries and to help make running more enjoyable as it was a passionate hobby that his family shared.
Hiro also studied Biochemistry in university and went on to a graduate medical program in medical pharmacology and cardiopulmonary perfusion. During that time, working in heart and kidney transplant surgical procurement along with open heart bypass surgery, he got to experience first hand part of the inner workings of the body. Throughout this career venture, yoga always was a consistent part of his life in teaching and practice.
After numerous injuries, some during the yoga practice and some outside, Hiro began to pursue a perspective to his love of the yoga practice that would minimize and heal injury along with develop functional strength and flexibility. After seeing tremendous transformations in his own practice and overall health, he applied those same principles to his students and started seeing the same results in his students.
Now Hiro is sharing his unique approach worldwide. Starting from introducing knowledge of the physiology of the human body, using the knowledge in various movement patterns and then applying it to a dynamic yoga practice, so that the practitioner is no longer modifying around injury but understanding steps towards healing, and how to expand the practice from a better understanding of anatomy for those looking to advance in their practice and teaching.