

The desire to move every part of my body, the passion to be anything i can imagine, the need to play in life; to stand on my hands and spin on my head, to bend backwards and forward, to roll over like a little kid, to fall over just to get up again. this is how i learnt to live my life.

Lover of nature, collector of tattoos, believer of magic and the power of love…

This is what led me to yoga years ago. I wanted to keep the energy flowing and to challenge myself daily. Nowadays I combine mobility drills, yoga, dynamic & functional movement, in my classes and workshops aiming to create a balance within strength, flexibility, peace & serenity, while giving to my students my most dedicated attention.

Bhavanga, is a Sanskrit word for Constant Flow, it creates dynamic classes, experiences and moments of connection.

Breathe, balance, connection, movement, love and have fun!